It was the summer 2019 in the middle of the great salt flats in Bolivia, free from stress and strains, under a clear cloudless sky: and so my mind was.
I was walking in the semi darkness of an early morning, waiting for the sunrise, with a gentle but freezing breath blowing in my direction, surrounded by an unreal silence, just followed by the soft sounds of the salt’s crystals crumbling under my boots.
And than the sun came.
The darkness was broken, the horizon revealed, and the warm rays started to extend their arms over the pure whiteness of the salt flat.
Simply magical!
It was in one of those days, cheered by a free spirit mood, that I took what I thought to be a great decision: after spending many years designing for other brands, I believed it was the moment to stand up and to dedicate my passion in something I could truly say mine.
I never expected to find myself one year later in this incredible situation.
Covid did changed our lives in the most unpredictable way.
Few months ago, I had my second thought and wondering if I should have carried on with my project.

Should we all abort our plans, our hopes, our lives, in front of the difficulties that arise in front of us?
You can call me optimistic, or simply stroke by a second flash of positive madness.
So here I am, still standing, writing my first newsletter and wishing for the best to come.
Like never before, we can call it a new beginning!
Not the one I planned,
not the one I painted in my mind.
But I still hope in a great sunrise, looking ahead to the scenery unfolding in front of us.
I am making my first steps out there in this strange and somehow
new world.
I hope you can join my path and share this journey with me.
Let’s see where this road is taking us.
Let’s grow together
I hope you had a nice time reading this newsletter: share it with the people that matter to you.
And if you have a moment please like my Instagram and Facebook page.